Being Kind

We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for, I don’t know.

W. H. Auden

I heard the wonderful comedian Kathleen Madigan describe a man going on a wacky rant in Taco Bell, shouting at the staff because they were out of mild sauce. She said, “Hey, people, just be kind. It’s not that hard!”

Actually, it can be hard. We all struggle with relationships, health, work, finances and so much more. Life is complicated.

Treating others with care and dignity should be an easy choice. But when I’m tired and overwhelmed…I can be crabby.

Sometimes I need a source of hope to keep my disposition sunny. Fortunately, human beings are amazingly creative, and the world is filled with inspiration: art, music, poetry, literature, film, and hilarious comedy specials.

Even my Twitter feed is more joyful these days. I started following bird and nature photographers to break up all the snarky political posts. My timeline now has pops of innocent beauty.

Sometimes I just need to remember what Jesus said:

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

Wishing you hope and kindness during this Lenten season, and always.


Image by Gerry from Pixabay


For NaPoWriMo Day 25 (yes, I am running behind!) we are challenged to take a line from an existing poem and use it as our first line. But…we must take the poem in a completely different direction than the original.

I took the first line from “The Fall of Rome” by W. H. Auden, “The piers are pummeled by the waves.” Auden’s poem offers a dark view of the state of civilization. While I do not disagree with his assessment, my poem takes inspiration from a restaurant in Sausalito.  From that perspective,  life was joyous, not despairing, and the view from the piers was quite sunny!


the piers are pummeled by the waves

each hard, rhythmic slap

in time with the beat of jazz

the miles of blue I hear

and see before me

gulls dip and dive for bread

honking thanks as they take wing

sailboats glide

laughing and waving

sun cuts through the fog

sparkles off our glasses

bread, brie, fruit, wine

all these are ours

and the ocean, too

for one long day

life is good
