The first week on a new job can be so difficult–for you as well as your loved ones. Especially if they don’t love you back.

This is the theme of my story for Friday Fictioneers.  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields leads our rowdy band of fictioneers by providing a photo prompt to inspire us each week. Writers from around the world post 100-word stories, based on the prompt. You can see them all here, and you can post your own story, too!

Many thanks to Dawn Quyle Landau for this week’s photo.

Photo Copyright: Dawn Q. Landau

Photo Copyright: Dawn Q. Landau


by Jan Brown


Promotions were announced at the precinct. My husband, Jack, got his gold shield. I didn’t.

He always has to be one step ahead.


A wasted evening listening to Jack bitch about his new job in Homicide.



I dissolved my monthly supply of lithium into his coffee.

He forgot his thermos.


I bashed his brake line with a chunk of asphalt.

He didn’t take his car.


I made breakfast for Jack and his new partner.



I reported him missing.

The next spring:

I hiked along the tracks, smiling as I passed their graves.




46 thoughts on “TGIF

  1. I love it when stories are told in different formats, and this was a corker. Such a laconic voice, and the swell of violence is perfectly balanced. (Did you mean librium rather than lithium?) As far as I can recall you are a FF old timer too, I seem to have been enjoying your stories for quite some time now. Glad to see you here this week.

    • Thank you, Sandra! Yes, I’m an old timer (in more ways than one). You prompted me to look up both lithium and librium. As oral medications, both treat psychological states: salts of lithium for manic episodes and librium as a broader sedative. Hopefully I won’t need either one soon 😉

  2. Dear jan,

    I echo Sandra in all her wisdom. Loved the abortive attempts before Friday, love the title, and the all too human touch of returning (near) to the place the bodies are buried. Excellent job this week.



  3. If I could have pressed the “Like” button twice for this one I would have. When I read these stories I always wonder about the minds behind them and how the writer came to that particular idea and I really like the mind behind this one!

  4. So dreadful that his new job in homicide ended in his own death. Jan, you nailed the tone of this piece just right. Just the right reserve and punch. I liked that you experimented with a different format. Well done.

    • Thank you, Dawn! And thanx for a great photo this week. I enjoyed your piece on the visit with your daughter in Israel, as well as the other photos that you posted from that trip. Kudos!

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