Fifty Years Later

Welcome to Friday Fictioneers!

On Wednesday, the nation celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom that took place on August 28, 1963. As we take steps toward the future that Dr. King envisioned, we struggle with our troubled history in the hope that we will not reverse the progress that has been made.

I was overjoyed on Wednesday to see that our Friday Fictioneers facilitator (say that three times really fast!) gave us a photo prompt of Union Station. Our colleague, Dawn M. Miller, took a photo that shows the timeless beauty of the architecture as well as its modernized setting. Thank you, Dawn, for this thought provoking photo!

I imagined the foot traffic that this station experienced on August 28th, 1963–and August 28th, 2013. I imagined a very specific pair of feet amongst the crowd.

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Union Station, Washington, D.C. – Photo Copyright: Dawn M. Miller

Fifty Years Later

by Jan Brown

I’ve walked so far in these shoes.

I bought them for the March on Washington in 1963. I stood in front of the Lincoln Memorial in them, listening to Dr. King’s vision of the future.

I wore them all through the next year of college. Wore them down south that summer, walking and driving dusty, unpaved roads to small churches. Wore them when I wept over the burnt-out shell of the Mt. Zion church.

Five days later, I died in these same shoes.

I will wear them until all those responsible have been called to account. By man or God.


James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwermer – Civil rights activists murdered by the KKK in June, 1964


30 thoughts on “Fifty Years Later

  1. Dear jan,

    You pulled of a masterpiece this week. Well done. History is so much more powerful when we become involved oursaelves and your story involved us. Thank you.



    • Doug, thank you for your kind comments. I was inspired by events. I let the story idea “cook” for a couple of days, then followed where it led. I really appreciate your feedback.



    • Rochelle, you are a master of 100-word historical fiction (or historical fiction of any length!), so your positive feedback really means a lot to me.

      I’m so glad to know the story had an impact. Thank you very much.



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