
It’s time for Friday Fictioneers, when writers from around the world post 100-word stories based on a photo prompt provided on Madison Woods‘ blog. This week’s photo is by Sandra Crook. You can read other Friday Fictioneers’ work (including Sandra’s) by clicking the link that appears below my story.


by Jan Brown

I entered the wood through a gateway of brick, bamboo and ivy. It was peaceful and serene, with a pathway of wide natural stones, worn smooth with the rains of time. The kanji carved into the gate were unreadable, neither Japanese nor Chinese. More strange kanji were carved into markers along the path, leading to an abandoned teahouse.

After a short rest in eerie solitude, I walked back to the gateway, only to find it blocked. Three boulders were stacked, one on top of the other, a stone snowman. I touched the formation with a tentative hand, and now I am frozen here too, a warning to others.


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