NaPoWriMo 16 – Still Playing Dress-Up

The NaPoWriMo prompt for April 16th challenges us to write a poem of ten lines, with each line being a lie. In my case, part of each line is a lie. I think you’ll be able to tell which part….

Still Playing Dress-Up

by Jan Brown

I loved to play dress-up and dance in the attic—a graceful ballerina in white

I wore a pink formal to the junior prom—I was so lissome and lithe

he wore a black tux to the senior prom—we were blissfully happy

I wore blue bell bottoms in the park—we were carefree hippies

though he never inhaled—he experimented with joy

though his father hung himself—he was always a good boy

we nuzzled behind the band shell—we were always chaste

we never dated anyone else—even when he was away

I wore long braids at our wedding—he wasn’t hung over whatsoever

he ruined his tux at the reception—but we lived flawlessly thereafter

2 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo 16 – Still Playing Dress-Up

  1. Very cute! I think we would recognize the untruths without your explanation, because they are a little too perfect. The poem’s title makes us think perhaps the lies are continuing into present day.


    Why am I saying “we” and “us”? Am I a nurse?

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